Azienda Agricola Il Molino

Il Molino is based in a stunning hilly countryside in the north of the Lazio region. We are situated between Montefiascone and Tuscania near Lake Bolsena in the heart of the Tuscia area, not far from Viterbo.

Our company owes its name (meaning “the mill”) to a mill that used to stand where our olives now grow, powered by the water from the stream that still ripples through the estate today.

The firm has been in Annalisa and Mauro Torzilli’s family since the 1700s. Annalisa in particular grew up watching her grandparents tending this fertile, generous land with unstinting love and respect. She and Mauro have been leading the business for over 30 years now, following the principles

of organic farming. The surrounding landscape is a patchwork of flourishing orchards, olive and hazel groves, cereals and vegetables, cultivated with the wise old practice of crop rotation to preserve the soil’s fertility and balance.

Looking after Mother Nature

As the guardian of my family’s agricultural heritage, I know I have a big responsibility not only to my forebears but above all to my daughters and future generations. Producing food and living off the land is a continual daily grind, yet also immensely fulfilling, in a way that only the simple things can be. Gathering in and transforming the fruits of your fields, after facing down the elements and the vagaries of the seasons, means finally giving meaning

to months of work amid permanent uncertainty about the end result. I have chosen the organic life, because I believe that looking after nature is the only way to secure the future of our land. It’s the only way to hand down the age-old tradition of agricultural production to the world of tomorrow, along with the priceless heritage of biodiversity and the beauty of the landscape that has filled our eyes since we were little.

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We are delighted to welcome you as nature reawakens from its winter slumbers and spring bathes the farm in new light and colour. The vivid green of the olive trees’ tender shoots and the fresh grass provide a backdrop for the delicate blossoms of our fruit trees and the fragrant rosebuds and lavender.


In this season, nature explodes in a majestic riot of life. Summer means the gift of sun, with the warmth to grow our olives and ripen the fruit on the trees, as the soothing upland breeze caresses the yellowing ears of our traditional cereals. It’s an ideal time for long, easy strolls or hours lounging by the pool to contemplate the loveliness of nature.


From late September to early November, we are busy gathering our olives, which we press straight away in our mill. This is the season when we love to welcome our guests with bread and oil to share all the fragrance and flavour of our freshly pressed extra virgin olive oil.


Winter is a quiet time for farm work, so it gives us a chance to host some events. Come and sample the fruits of a year’s labour of love, in the form of our aromatic oils, delicious olive pâtés and mouthwatering jams.